Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5th

OH MY GOSH! My day was amazing!

First off I watched The Hunger Games so that was pretty amazing....thats about it haha that just made my day! It was so amazing!

On Script matters I am all caught up! I am on track and ready to go. I feel as though I may not have a strong script right now it will grow within this month to were i want it.

Keeping my fingers crossed, it sucked though because today is Thursday and every Thursday there is a new Vampire Diaries and I was really looking forward to that to give some more inspiration so I could maybe be ahead for once but there was no new one today:( that made me sad....:)

Oh I was reading on E! Online that Ian Somerhalder the actor who plays Damon Salvatore is creating an anti bully anti bully hyphenated? I don't know.

So I was really debating on if I should still do to Damon what I was going to do, because that is just SO sweet. Ha. Well I didn't really get to watch The Big Bang Theory tonight...which also makes me sad. But I shall Live on.

I just hope on this Script Frenzy Journey the odds will ever be in my favor.
(If you get that reference without looking it up you are just freaking AMAZING!)


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4th

So I am still behind:) But I am not giving up! I will conquer this! You would think since this is spring break I would have so much time to work on this...but its like...Im to busy doing nothing:)

I did start over though:P but to not be a complete failure and start ALL over and be behind a crap load more i decided to start over at page...5 i think which i feel is acceptable since it is still a script:) Ha is that cheating?

Lets hope not.

Anyway, I watched some more Big Bang Theory...Fuunny as ever!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3rd

So today was MUCH BETTER!

I can honestly say to myself that I am proud of my improvement. I am still three pages behind but I plan on beating that in the butt. I hope i can make it to 12 pages before I have to go to bed:)

I am filled with inspiration! Though I have no where to put it due to the fact that I am currently stuck.

That alright I just have to smooth a few details from past episodes of The Vampire Diaries and I should be good.

Ha I was watching this marathon of The Big Bang Theory and it just lifted my spirits. I am putting it out there that I am a christian, therefore I believe that God created the earth but that show is just amazing! And I have the whole title sequence memorized.

Math, Science, History, Unraveling the mystery and it all started with a BIG BANG!

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2nd

So today's progress was about a D.

Why? You may ask. Because there was adding to the script at all, detail wise of course. I did though look up a few scripts from the show The Vampire Diaries and it was very cool to see how they write their episodes.

So there was definitely some progress on how to write an actual script and some help to make it look more like an actual script that they would write.

I just have to remember that this is just a rough-draft so there is no need for perfection. It is OKAY to make mistakes here and there:)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1st

Welcome to my first blog in this series! I will be writing a blog everyday throughout the month of April, during my journey down the Script Frenzy path.

My name is Abigail. I love to write...novels. So this is actually my first time ever writing a script. It is a some what bittersweet time for me.

So today was a great day for writing! Of course I only did one page worth of the actual script and then some. I feel it is coming along swimmingly, but I know because of my past with NaNoWriMo that i need to plan better and a page a day will NOT cut it.

So I just did the math and to meet the deadline I should be doing about a three and a half a day, meaning I am already behind two pages!

On the topic of my script it is actually not going to be an original. By original, I mean that I am actually just going to write my own episode of the hit TV show The Vampire Diaries on the CW.

If you don't know what that show is then you need to stop reading this and read up! Haha and if you have heard of it and are a huge fan like me then you will know what I am talking about when I say that i will be focusing on Alaric's past all the way back to high school, and I will be adding my own drama etc. Of course because I am in love with Alaric and think the actor who plays him (Matt Davis) is the most gorgeous man in the world I will be concentrating on how he met this girl Abigail (yes, she will be characterized after me.)

As a super fan who has seen every episode since it started I feel I am well equipped with the knowledge to complete this well enough.

Alright that was enough of me running my mouth:)