Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5th

OH MY GOSH! My day was amazing!

First off I watched The Hunger Games so that was pretty amazing....thats about it haha that just made my day! It was so amazing!

On Script matters I am all caught up! I am on track and ready to go. I feel as though I may not have a strong script right now it will grow within this month to were i want it.

Keeping my fingers crossed, it sucked though because today is Thursday and every Thursday there is a new Vampire Diaries and I was really looking forward to that to give some more inspiration so I could maybe be ahead for once but there was no new one today:( that made me sad....:)

Oh I was reading on E! Online that Ian Somerhalder the actor who plays Damon Salvatore is creating an anti bully anti bully hyphenated? I don't know.

So I was really debating on if I should still do to Damon what I was going to do, because that is just SO sweet. Ha. Well I didn't really get to watch The Big Bang Theory tonight...which also makes me sad. But I shall Live on.

I just hope on this Script Frenzy Journey the odds will ever be in my favor.
(If you get that reference without looking it up you are just freaking AMAZING!)


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