Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3rd

So today was MUCH BETTER!

I can honestly say to myself that I am proud of my improvement. I am still three pages behind but I plan on beating that in the butt. I hope i can make it to 12 pages before I have to go to bed:)

I am filled with inspiration! Though I have no where to put it due to the fact that I am currently stuck.

That alright I just have to smooth a few details from past episodes of The Vampire Diaries and I should be good.

Ha I was watching this marathon of The Big Bang Theory and it just lifted my spirits. I am putting it out there that I am a christian, therefore I believe that God created the earth but that show is just amazing! And I have the whole title sequence memorized.

Math, Science, History, Unraveling the mystery and it all started with a BIG BANG!

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