Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1st

Welcome to my first blog in this series! I will be writing a blog everyday throughout the month of April, during my journey down the Script Frenzy path.

My name is Abigail. I love to write...novels. So this is actually my first time ever writing a script. It is a some what bittersweet time for me.

So today was a great day for writing! Of course I only did one page worth of the actual script and then some. I feel it is coming along swimmingly, but I know because of my past with NaNoWriMo that i need to plan better and a page a day will NOT cut it.

So I just did the math and to meet the deadline I should be doing about a three and a half a day, meaning I am already behind two pages!

On the topic of my script it is actually not going to be an original. By original, I mean that I am actually just going to write my own episode of the hit TV show The Vampire Diaries on the CW.

If you don't know what that show is then you need to stop reading this and read up! Haha and if you have heard of it and are a huge fan like me then you will know what I am talking about when I say that i will be focusing on Alaric's past all the way back to high school, and I will be adding my own drama etc. Of course because I am in love with Alaric and think the actor who plays him (Matt Davis) is the most gorgeous man in the world I will be concentrating on how he met this girl Abigail (yes, she will be characterized after me.)

As a super fan who has seen every episode since it started I feel I am well equipped with the knowledge to complete this well enough.

Alright that was enough of me running my mouth:)

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